Your thoughts create your reality.

Shane O'Connell
8 min readJan 2, 2021

Your thoughts create your reality, sounds cliche right. It’s true. What Carl Jung would call conscious living is something that stumbled into my life not so many years ago. Orchestrated by the Divine, that can finally be said with an assurance that was not once with me. Taking up this dutiful journey has allowed me to have a different perspective on life and allowing me to think more outside the box, cracking through previously imagined limiting beliefs, that really if you sit down, have a cup of tea and think about it, these limiting beliefs we put on ourselves don’t exist. They are imagined, so why not imagine noble and jolly thoughts? That’s what everyone should be curious to figure out and strive for as it leads to a more meaningful existence.

“If you do your work truly and concscientiously, unknown friends will come and seek you.” Carl Jung

The goal for many meditators and manifestors is to become totally present and to be the awareness behind the thoughts and feelings. Once you have spent a reasonable amount of time and gained a lot of mindfulness experience it is of my opinion should you then proceed to manifesting financial abundance and everything else that God has made available and willingly wants to provide for you, but we need to be in ‘The Zone” first, it is only once this vortex type state that resides in the quantum field recognizes and matches up with the vibrations and frequency waves that you are consistently putting out, only then will you be able to quickly and mystically attract abundance into your life.

You will be living in what is known biblically as ‘a state of grace’ . We most fix our own light first and shine bright so the world can see, inspiring other souls which has the potential to set off a chain reaction of awakening and creativity in the world, it is vitally important that we have authentically done the work on ourselves and or auras are shining bright, only then is it possible for us to attract abundance into our lives easily whatever that may be happiness, love, financial freedom, you can have it all by getting your thoughts under control and becoming one with them, it for certain does not work if we are sending out mixed signals into the quantum field, that’s why I believe it has to be authentic, there is not much room for cheating in my opinion. It took almost two and a half long years for me to really really grasp onto this concept, a profoundly spontaneous experience that made all of the blind faith up until that point worthwhile and ultimate proof that the mind is capable of creating extraordinary experiences. I will never forget those experiences and feel blessed and grateful to of had them, allowing me to live with a confidence and a overwhelming sense of knowing that their is a Divine in this world which is why I’m here now writing this, hopefully one day information I have shared will help an individual along on his or her own journeys.

‘The Quantum field is the space that exists all around us’

It can be a daunting time for a person having an awakening of a kind that gives the ego a blow, but exciting nonetheless as you enter the unknown, just know that everything is fluid and constantly moving in this world, what you are feeling today wont necessary be the same way you will feel at a future time, it really is up to you how it goes. Stick with it and go within for any answers, sit in the silence. Quieten the mind by sitting still in the silence and following your breathing, this technique we call box breathing will allow you to remain in the present moment by counting breaths of 4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold and a 6 second release, this is one way to remain focused in a meditation.

You can also sit in the meditative posture and repeat some words in your mind, this is known as a mantra, repeating a certain few words over and over to yourself. For instance you can use “I am a divine human being or I wont smoke anymore”, your mind will naturally wander from time to time, the trick is to catch it and become conscious that it has strayed from the mantra, simply start to repeat the mantra again, repeating the process of always coming back to the mantra when your mind wanders, over time like anything you will get better and one day you will notice you are more in control of your own thoughts and emotions, we have to change our internal space if we want to cause an affect on our external space. Once you can change the internal and notice that your external world has changed because of it, you have entered the quantum field and you are now consciously living and directing your own faith. A lot of mindfulness is involved to reach this state but achievable by everyone on the globe.

Here is a fun thought to ponder over, It’s accepted in modern medicine that our autonomic nervous system is the intelligence keeping our vehicles going. Where is that network located? In the brain is where it resides and there is some specific tissues located there which are responsible for pumping blood to the heart, these tissues are made of cells, those cells are made up of molecules, those molecules are made up of atoms, see where I’m going with this, those atoms are made up of sub atomic particles and those particles are made up of energy. In technical terms we are simply “energy”.

Our physiological bodies are made up of the same stuff as the universe, I’m sure you have heard an ol hippie telling someone they are made of stardust. Well technically we are.

As human beings when we can get into a authentic state of gratitude for this realization then you will be living in a state of alignment with the universe and most importantly the Divine Creator, source of all energy AKA God. Being in a state of gratitude for the creation of your existence is an extremely powerful tool for your manifestation purposes. To achieve this state of being is possible for any person on the planet, although everyone has different circumstances and energy so no one person will have the same timeline. A strong intention is needed and that’s where most of us fail.

We will set an intention and a goal to live a certain way and usually within a couple of days we have barely lifted a finger for a meaningful transformation, at least that’s how it was for me for a decade and some. With the strong intention we most really feel it in our hearts for it to come into your reality, I will repeat that again because this is a vital part to the process, we most really really feel it in our hearts when we set the intention, I believe in you and so do many others. Aristotle considered the hearth to be the center of reason, thought and emotion and of more importance for creation than the brain, you most come to the understanding that the heart and brain are powerful electromagnetic fields, which the heart is responsible for generating the largest electromagnetic field in the body, some 60 times more powerful than the brain waves which can be recorded using an EEG test. When you can see it in your minds eye and then feel it in your heart you are right on track to creating the reality you deserve.

A lot of us are waiting around for a haymaker from God to make a meaningful change to our lives. Our unhealthy egos need to take a massive hit for this sudden change in mind to occur. Once the change happens you are in a beautiful unknowing place, you have entered unchartered waters as a human being and should follow the signs that will most certainly grab your attention, and there will be signs, once we become conscious living beings you will have a sense that the universe is speaking to you, Carl Jung the Austrian psychologist, called these signs synchronicities. This will be the most alive you will have ever felt up until this point in life if it is your first awakening of this sort. Jung, regarded with Sigmund Freud as the grandfathers of modern day Psychology and Psychiatry. Jung was a much much more wise individual in my opinion and his life’s work is some of the finest that has been contributed to mankind by any single person academically speaking.

Looking at this chart we can see how important the Subconscious mind is to us and we most acknowledge it.

When we have put in the necessary mind, body, and spiritual alignment work on ourselves we will enter into what’s known as the Quantum field and soon after be living in what I like to call “the zone.” Abraham Hicks who has been speaking on this subject for decades successfully, calls it “the vortex”. Our thoughts and emotions will be in alignment to the future lives we are attempting to create. We wont have any fears, fears cannot exist in this part of the Quantum field. You are good vibes with a purpose, you will naturally gravitate more towards a natural healthy eating lifestyle with little cheating, your body is a temple so you will be inclined to eat what serves you well.

By this stage you will feel like a master of self discipline, it will be as if you had Bruce Lee as a Mentor but what is really happening is you are simply tapping into a part of the universal system known as infinite or invisible intelligence, your inner wisdom derives from here. It’s Universal and everyone can tap into it and experience the oneness of all creation and it’s infinite Love. I would have to presume it is one of the closest feelings to being in a state of grace that a person could experience. Then you spend the rest of your days trying to remain in a state remotely similar to it, I believe that this is why once someone starts meditating and living consciously they do so until the day our bodies which might as well be called vehicles, will give up on us and our illusion of self will evaporate and the divine being will continue on it’s journey to what in society is known as heaven. But before all of that happens, there is a one way ticket to earth to explore and have plenty of fun whilst here. We have free will on earth so we can literally choose how our lives play out or we can just go with the flow living unconsciously throughout life not being in control of our thoughts and emotions and everything that happens to us we will call faith. Usually people who choose to live unconsciously will be easily misled in society, they will suffer from either depression or anxiety, have relationship issues and almost certainly will hate their jobs.

To me the information I have put forward to you is a logical belief pattern and a wonderful fulfilling perspective to have on life. If it is your first time reading this type of material, take it slow, do your diligent research and have discernment, understanding and using this information with passion and integrity will give you an opportunity to create a new life for yourself from the comfort of your own home. There is an affluent amount of evidence that this works, faith most be held by the individual, brawnier the better. An impossible emotion it seems for some, faith. Personally I have had enough divine experiences by now to not just be a believer but I can comfortably say I know.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Shane O’Connell works with individuals and partners who are looking to shine their light and attract abundance into their life. He does so with Breathwork sessions as well as some mindfulness classes online. He hopes to see you for a session soon.

